We have tips, tips, and more tips!!!! If this cue doesn’t work to encourage a clear “ch”, don’t forget we wrote the Ch Sound Handbook where you can find 100+ more ideas 💡 

#articulationtherapy #articulation #speechsounds #slpath #speechtherapy #speech #speechpath
All it takes is 5-10 minutes to screen for possible facilitative contexts (words that encourage a clear production of our target sound), but this can set you up for INSTANT success!

If you took my free SLP Summit talk, then you saw these screeners in action! Why waster weeks and months with no progress when it doesn’t have to be that way?

#articulationtherapy #articulation #speechsounds #speechsounddisorders #schoolslp #earlyinterventionslp #earlyinterventionspeech #adventuresinspeechpathology
We’ve bundled and discounted our THERAPY CHANGING facilitative contexts packets to get faster progress in articulation therapy 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

If you watched by free SLP Summit presentation, then you’d know how quickly the students in my case studied progressed when we found words that encouraged clear sounds!!


#speechsounddisorders #articulationtherapy #articulation #speech #Adventuresinspeechpathology
Comment “master” so that I can send you a link to register for our first online course!

Apart from the four PDH you get, just know that you will NEVER have to take another PD on minimal pairs again 👏🏼

#minimalpairs #speechtherapy #speechsounds #preschoolslp #schoolslp #speechsounddisorders #adventuresinspeechpathology
Don’t let the term “facilitative contexts” overwhelm you.

They’re just carefully chosen words 👏🏼 we have seen the most AMAZING progress with our articulation students last year when we took 10 minutes to screen for possible facilitative contexts.

It’s so relieving to “skip the isolation phase” and start therapy with a set of WORDS the child can say CLEARLY!

#speechpathology #speechsounddisorders #speechsounddisorders #slp #slpath #schoolslp #facilitativecontexts
You KNOW you could do better! You KNOW you still have lots of questions! So why not MASTER the Minimal Pairs Approach once and for all?

Wouldn’t it be amazing to go on autopilot because you just understand and know what to do with minimal pairs therapy?

COMMENT “master” now so you can register and for early bird pricing. We kick off on February 10th, mark those calendars 🗓️ 

#minimalpairs #phonology #speechsounddisorders #speechsounds #adventuresinspeechpathology
You never know what’s going to 💫click💫 when it comes to eliciting speech sounds.

At least our Speech Sound Handbooks GIVE YOU all those cues, tips and tricks to try 👌🏼

#articulation #articulationtherapy #speechsounds #laterallisp #slp #slp2be #slpath
Stuck teaching clusters? Try chaining! It’s visual and breaks down a complex word into smaller, easier to say chunks for the child 🙌🏽

#speechtherapy #schoolslp #preschoolslp #slpeeps #childhoodapraxiaofspeech #speechsounds
2025 is shaping up to be a BIG YEAR for professional development 👏🏼

So far our calendar is booked for: Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, Townsville, and Canberra!

If you want to learn (differently) make sure you head your our events page to get your ticket.

#ebpslp #speechpath #aussieslp #speechsounddisorders #speechsounds #adventuresinspeechpathology
If you use INACCURATE mouth cue visuals, then how can you expect your child to say the sound ACCURATELY?! 🤯🤯🤯

Give your child or student the best chance by showing them pictures that:
1. Look real and are detailed 
2. Highlight voicing and airstream
3. Represent YOUR students mouths

#articulation #speechsounds #speechsounddisorders #slp #apraxia #childhoodapraxiaofspeech #schoolslp #earlyinterventionspeech #slpa #slp2b
It’s my 40th birthday today 🎈thank you mum for having the girls so I could go on an adventure to my 53rd new country (in Bali, Indonesia).

I’ve loved the floating breakfast trays, rice paddies, spiritual cleanses, temples, monkeys, massages, and especially the beautiful local people here!

Have you ever tried this for your students?

We teach clusters a LOT, and forward and backward chaining can be so helpful 💪🏼

#speechsounds #speechsounddisorders #pediatricslp #speechpath #schoolslp

Phonology Interventions: Handouts for Parents and Teachers


There are a number of phonological therapy approaches, and sometimes it can be hard to explain to people in a succinct way, and in language that they will understand, how an approach works, what therapy will look like and why it is appropriate for their child. This is where the Phonology Interventions: Handouts for Parents and Teachers comes in. Covering minimal pairs therapy, the cycles approach, multiple oppositions, maximal oppositions and more; this pack is full of information presented in a way that makes sense to parents and teachers. Provide quality information to the families of the children on your caseload with these useful, print and go handouts.

(7 customer reviews)


Do you find it hard to explain to parents and teachers WHAT you’ll be doing in speech therapy and WHY? Would clear and easy-to-understand handouts that explain phonological therapy approaches such as minimal pairs, cycles, and multiple oppositions help? Each page of these handouts introduces the idea that there are various phonological interventions that we can choose so we try to match the right approach to our students.


1. A summary of the approach is provided to help you explain WHY you will be choosing the targets that you are.
2. This is followed by an outline of what therapy might look like so that parents and teachers are aware that it IS a process that can take time.
3. A sample target list with picture cards has been added to make it easier to understand. I strongly recommend reading & discussing these sheets with parents and teachers to answer any of their questions and make sure that they understand the therapy process.

Phonological Interventions in this set: Minimal pairs, cycles approach, multiple oppositions, maximal oppositions, treatment of the empty set, complexity approach, core vocabulary approach, stimulability intervention, articulation approach (traditional), articulation approach (principles of motor learning),
PLUS three additional sheets covering: articulation vs. phonology, How long does therapy take? and What is carryover?

Don’t get caught out with parents and teachers! Explain phonological therapy and patterns more confidently, and download the discounted Phonology Handouts Bundle for Speech Therapy

Who would use these? These would be useful to provide to parents at the start of therapy when you are introducing your goals. You can send it as part of homework to help explain what you would like parents to do. They would also be useful during an IEP or school meeting as you report on your progress.
I have listed the references (journal articles and texts) that I used to create this resource in the packet and you might find it useful to further your knowledge in particular interventions.

❶ — Confidently explain your speech therapy intervention
❷ — Simple, parent-friendly explanations about what you will be doing in speech therapy
❸ — Inform and educate parents, caregivers, and teachers
❹ — Provide information at IEP meetings and during therapy sessions
❺ — Evidence-based information about phonological interventions

✅ — Thirteen, single-paged handouts
✅ — Covers the main phonological interventions in the research
✅ — Handouts provide a simple overview of what the phonological approach aims to do, as well as what therapy might look like
✅ — Includes a sample word list and visual to explain the therapy
✅ — This whole resource is in blackline – so easy to print & go
⭐ Explain phonological patterns with Phonological Processes: Handouts for Parents & Teachers.

What SLPS like you are saying:

❝ I love the evidence-based nature of this resource.❞

❝ There is so much information included in this resource! I love that the approaches are explained in ways that teachers and parents can understand.❞

❝ I find even with simplifying my explanation of the approaches to parents, they still need written information to help cement it all.❞

❝ It’s obvious SO MUCH RESEARCH went into this! These handouts are such a nice way to show families *exactly* what we’re doing in therapy.❞

This is a digital file and is licensed for one person to use. Upon purchase, you will receive a link to download the product. Printing and assembly of the product may be required. For more information about single-person use, please refer to our Terms of Use.

Do you need FREE 100 Trials for Speech no-prep worksheets? Sign up for my newsletter to get access to my Freebie Library of goodies that are aimed at your speech sound caseload.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Rebecca Reinking is an SLP who works privately with children who have speech sound disorders. She has a particular interest in phonological interventions and strives to connect and collaborate with speech scientists to bridge the gap between research and clinical practice.

Follow our 100,000-strong Instagram account: @adventuresinspeechpathology
Learn more about treating speech sound disorders and join our email list
Contact our support team: support@adventuresinspeechpathology.com
Watch short therapy-related clips on YouTube: youtube.com/c/AdventuresinSpeechPathology

7 reviews for Phonology Interventions: Handouts for Parents and Teachers

  1. Krystal Chen (verified owner)

    So grateful for these handouts that explain to parents what we are doing in therapy and why. They are informative and easy to understand!

  2. Sadie H. (verified owner)

    Love these worksheets for explaining articulation intervention to parents! Quick and easy and no prep!

  3. Stacy-Ann D. (verified owner)

    This is a wonderful resource to have at the ready to share with teachers, families, and other professionals. I appreciate how clearly the treatment approaches are explained without the use of jargon. Adventures in Speech Pathology ALWAYS creates quality resources! I never hesitate to add them to my collection!

  4. Logan N. (verified owner)

    It can be so overwhelming for caregivers to absorb all the information regarding phonological processes, so these are great to have on hand to share after initial eligibility/IEP meetings.

  5. Rebecca H. (verified owner)

    I can’t say enough great things about this resource. It’s so helpful for parents to understand my approach and explains it in such simple terms! Thank you!

  6. Katia L. (verified owner)

    I LOVE this resource! I enjoy how it explains the approaches we use in therapy. I love handing this out when we begin an approach.

  7. Emily U. (verified owner)

    What an amazing resource for parents, teachers and myself as I explain different therapy approaches for speech sound disorders. Thank you!

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