All you need is a cup, some tongue depressors, and sticky tape to make your speech sound cues something that you can quickly grab + hold faster than a child can say “ch” 😉

CUES: Articulation Mouth Shape Cues by Adventures in Speech Pathology 

#speechsounddisorders #speechsounds #articulation #speechdelaykids #childhoodapraxiaofspeech #speechpathologist
They always look better on coloured paper 😍 if you’ve ever been stuck trying to explain “gliding” to a parent, you might refer to, or provide information on this handout.

Phonological Patterns Handouts - by Adventures in Speech Pathology

#phonology #speechsounds #speechsounddisorders #speechdelay
I always use my throatscope during an Oral Motor assessment! My kids love it when I turn off the lights and we look inside each other’s mouths. 

👅 Oral Motor Assessment Card - published by @bjoremspeech 
@hollandhealthcare #oralmotor #bjoremspeech #throatscope #speechpathology #adventuresinspeechpathology
Hands up if you find it hard to explain phonological patterns to parents and teachers 💁🏻‍♀️

It took me a few years to be able to confidently discuss, explain, and know what I’m talking about - so if this sounds like you, our Phonological Patterns hand outs might help!

#speechpathology #speechpath #slp #phonology #speechsounds #speechsounddisorders
Tell me if you have used an abacus in speech therapy… I actually have TWO 🤗

I hope you like and try this idea the next time you implement the minimal pairs approach.

#speechtherapy #minimalpairs #speechsounddisorders #speechsounds #adventuresinspeechpathology
Ooh… I’ll also add using PUPPETS to my recommendations! Do you have any go-to tips to share?

Oral motor assessments can truly be the fun part of your initial evaluation if you have the right tools to engage your kiddies and make something that can be a little scary, more lighthearted 🤗

Cards: Oral Motor Assessment Cards published by @bjoremspeech

#speechtherapy #speechpathologist #slp2b #Adventuresinspeechpathology #bjoremspeech
Have you ever elicited a /k/ or /g/ using a tongue depressor in this way? I’ve got a great alternative that can feel better for the child 👏🏼

Follow us for all your speech elicitation tips.

#speechdelay #articulation #speechdelaykids #articulationtherapy #earlyinterventionspeech
This is just ONE of over 100 cues we listed in our L Sound Handbook to help elicit the /l/ sound. It’s yummy 😋 and once the child knows “the spot”, you don’t need the Nutella anymore!

🫡 please make sure you have parental permission before you use any spread and check for allergies!

#articulation #articulationtherapy #speechdelay #speechdelaykids #adventuresinspeechpathology
When our go-to cards and tricks don’t work, somehow, these ALWAYS DO! They’re particularly helpful for children who have difficulty with the second sound in the consonant cluster!

They’re one of our best-sellers for a reason 👌🏼

#Adventuresinspeechpathology #speechsounddisorders #speechdelay #speechdelaykids #articulation #phonology
Comment “fronting” to save yourself from another one of those conversations where you can’t quite answer questions about phonological development and patterns!

Our handouts are parent and educator friendly 🫶🏼 we take the questions they want to know and use pictures and easy-to-understand language to help explain patterns like fronting, final consonant deletion and cluster reduction.

Comment “fronting” now for a link to these handouts and FEEL MORE CONFIDENT discussing these terms!

#speechsounddisorders #speechdelaykids #speechdelay #slp2be #earlyinterventionspeech #speechsounds #adventuresinspeechpathology
Fun fact about out this box - I found it at my local hardware store!! I actually printed a set of cards and took them in with me to make sure that they fit easily into each drawer 👏🏼

Printing a double set on cardstock to play games is a MUST for every SLP!!

Any questions??

#speechdelay #speechdelaykids #speechpath #slp #articulation #phonology
Curious to know if other SLPs even HAVE a picture dictionary in their cupboard? 

#speechtips #speechpath #slp #speechdelay #schoolslp
Rainbow storage boxes (find them at your local craft store) are the perfect way to store our Minimal Pair Toolkits:

1️⃣ Use Velcro to stick the teaching cues on the front
2️⃣ Store minimal pair cards inside

And FYI: we have Minimal Pair Toolkits for x12 phonological patterns and counting! Let’s help kids MAKE SENSE of their patterns on therapy.

#speechdelay #speechsounddisorders #slp #speechpath #slp2b #schoolslp #privatepracticeslp #preschoolslp #speechpath #adventuresinspeechpathology
I set THREE goals for 2024…
1️⃣ to see more comedy shows (this was my 8th show)
2️⃣ to wear bright clothes (they make me feel happy!)
And lastly…
3️⃣ to start offering full-day professional development on speech sound disorders around Australia!!! 

I can’t wait to book some venues and release dates soon ❤️🙌🏼 I’m just not sure which city to do first (suggestions welcome),

#adventuresinspeechpathology #ebpslp #aussieslp

Which phonological therapy approach should you choose?

If you go to any online forum and post a question along the lines of which therapy approach should I choose?, you’re going to get a lot of answers.

And they’re all going to be different. Which is kind of a good thing.

Our role should be to match the child to the intervention approach that best suits their needs instead of applying the idea of “I’m going to do cycles with every child because I know how to do it” or “well, I know they can’t say ‘f’, so I’ll just work on that in words, phrases, then sentences, in initial, medial, and final position.”

There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to choosing the right phonological approach. And that’s because a number of approaches might be effective.

Take a child who is omitting the final consonant in words. I have targeted this using minimal pairs, cycles, multiple oppositions, and a metaphon approach. They were all successful for those individual children, and hey, I’m sure that there were more interventions that I could have chosen.


  1. Review the approaches that YOU KNOW. If you only know three approaches, then think about which of those three approaches would work best. If you understand eight approaches, consider each one carefully. And if you think everyone else is talking about an approach that I’ve never used… learn it! The more approaches that you know, the more options that you will have. This will help to guide your clinical decision-making.
  2. Consider the child’s temperament, personality, and resilience – this is so important because you want to start therapy off successfully. I have had many refusals in my room because I pushed the child into an approach that wasn’t suited to them. It’s not a good feeling for anyone. You might also consider the child’s cognitive and language skills, as well as their ability to attend. I factor in the child’s family, and who I will be teaching to deliver the therapy when they are not in my room. Depending on this, I might rule out an approach or two.
  3. Take your time to probe an approach. In that first session or two, when I’m laying the groundwork, I might not fully commit to an intervention. And this because some kids will REALLY not like an approach. I don’t like seeing my kids incredibly frustrated with minimal pairs because they picked up the wrong card. I don’t want my kids to refuse to talk because contrasting 4 errors with multiple oppositions was too overwhelming. And this HAS happened. I want my kids to trust me because rapport is so important for intervention. Sometimes I have to stop and think “gee, I really wish we could do multiple oppositions because I truly believe that it would make the biggest difference… but we’re not ready for that yet.”


I know what you want to read next. You want a flow chart or decision tree that tells you what approaches are out there. But here’s the thing: I don’t know them all! There are SO many approaches out there that I’ve probably only implemented half of them in my practice. I would be doing a disservice to make a flow chart when I haven’t implemented, or don’t understand them.

But this is what I can say:

  • When a child has a phoneme collapse and is substituting “d” for example, with a lot of other sounds (like g, sh, t, s blends, z, etc.), I have a high tendency to start with the multiple oppositions approach Williams, 2000a, 2000b).
  • I have chosen both simple and complex targets while working on minimal pairs. I have recently started to chose a complex target if the multiple oppositions approach wasn’t the right fit for the child.
  • I use the stimulability approach (Miccio & Elbert, 1996) in my under four-year-old population. In particular, when a lot of sounds are missing from their inventory, and they weren’t stimulable for them. I have also used it when every other approach has failed. Sometimes children need to develop some ‘pre-therapy’ skills before you jump into a specific production-based approach.
  • I have used the cycles approach (Hodson, 1978) for children with anxiety. I found that choosing a small range of specific targets that they were stimulable for worked better for some of my kids compared to a contrastive approach. I have also swapped from cycles to minimal pairs or another approach after the child’s intelligibility has increased.
  • I have chosen non-contrastive complex targets (complexity approach) in children with severe speech sound disorders after there were refusals with the multiple and maximal opposition approach we were using.
  • I consider the maximal oppositions approach when a child is missing more than six sounds in their inventory (Gierut, 2008).
  • I use the core vocabulary approach (Dodd et al., 2010), which is currently the ONLY approach for children with inconsistent speech disorder.

So can you see WHY you can’t just follow a flow chart? If you follow a flow chart, then you can be blinded to other options. If you follow a flow chart, it can inhibit your problem-solving skills. There are different approaches out there for a reason.


Let’s go back to that original question, “which therapy approach should I choose?” Perhaps we should be asking “I’m familiar with minimal pairs, cycles, and multiple oppositions. Which approach would you choose?” or “Is there an approach that I’m not using that you would consider?

I encourage you to expand your knowledge and learn more approaches. The more approaches you know, the more confident you will be to choose the approach that best matches your child. And finally, don’t feel that you are STUCK in an approach. If a child is making very slow progress, that is usually a sign to me that I might need to trial a different approach.

For transparency purposes, these are the approaches that are on my ‘to-do’ list to read more, learn deeper, and implement. I really enjoyed the open-access article, The Complexity Approach to Phonological Treatment: How to Select Treatment Targets, by Holly Storkel. My goal is to take some more professional development in this area. I know NOTHING about speech perception intervention (researched by Susan Rvachew), so that will be an exciting learning curve for me. Finally, I was recently re-introduced to constraint-based nonlinear intervention from Bernhardt & Stemberger. I think that it fills a lot of little gaps for those tricky kids, so it’s on the list as well!


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