We have tips, tips, and more tips!!!! If this cue doesn’t work to encourage a clear “ch”, don’t forget we wrote the Ch Sound Handbook where you can find 100+ more ideas 💡 

#articulationtherapy #articulation #speechsounds #slpath #speechtherapy #speech #speechpath
All it takes is 5-10 minutes to screen for possible facilitative contexts (words that encourage a clear production of our target sound), but this can set you up for INSTANT success!

If you took my free SLP Summit talk, then you saw these screeners in action! Why waster weeks and months with no progress when it doesn’t have to be that way?

#articulationtherapy #articulation #speechsounds #speechsounddisorders #schoolslp #earlyinterventionslp #earlyinterventionspeech #adventuresinspeechpathology
We’ve bundled and discounted our THERAPY CHANGING facilitative contexts packets to get faster progress in articulation therapy 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

If you watched by free SLP Summit presentation, then you’d know how quickly the students in my case studied progressed when we found words that encouraged clear sounds!!


#speechsounddisorders #articulationtherapy #articulation #speech #Adventuresinspeechpathology
Comment “master” so that I can send you a link to register for our first online course!

Apart from the four PDH you get, just know that you will NEVER have to take another PD on minimal pairs again 👏🏼

#minimalpairs #speechtherapy #speechsounds #preschoolslp #schoolslp #speechsounddisorders #adventuresinspeechpathology
Don’t let the term “facilitative contexts” overwhelm you.

They’re just carefully chosen words 👏🏼 we have seen the most AMAZING progress with our articulation students last year when we took 10 minutes to screen for possible facilitative contexts.

It’s so relieving to “skip the isolation phase” and start therapy with a set of WORDS the child can say CLEARLY!

#speechpathology #speechsounddisorders #speechsounddisorders #slp #slpath #schoolslp #facilitativecontexts
You KNOW you could do better! You KNOW you still have lots of questions! So why not MASTER the Minimal Pairs Approach once and for all?

Wouldn’t it be amazing to go on autopilot because you just understand and know what to do with minimal pairs therapy?

COMMENT “master” now so you can register and for early bird pricing. We kick off on February 10th, mark those calendars 🗓️ 

#minimalpairs #phonology #speechsounddisorders #speechsounds #adventuresinspeechpathology
You never know what’s going to 💫click💫 when it comes to eliciting speech sounds.

At least our Speech Sound Handbooks GIVE YOU all those cues, tips and tricks to try 👌🏼

#articulation #articulationtherapy #speechsounds #laterallisp #slp #slp2be #slpath
Stuck teaching clusters? Try chaining! It’s visual and breaks down a complex word into smaller, easier to say chunks for the child 🙌🏽

#speechtherapy #schoolslp #preschoolslp #slpeeps #childhoodapraxiaofspeech #speechsounds
2025 is shaping up to be a BIG YEAR for professional development 👏🏼

So far our calendar is booked for: Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, Townsville, and Canberra!

If you want to learn (differently) make sure you head your our events page to get your ticket.

#ebpslp #speechpath #aussieslp #speechsounddisorders #speechsounds #adventuresinspeechpathology
If you use INACCURATE mouth cue visuals, then how can you expect your child to say the sound ACCURATELY?! 🤯🤯🤯

Give your child or student the best chance by showing them pictures that:
1. Look real and are detailed 
2. Highlight voicing and airstream
3. Represent YOUR students mouths

#articulation #speechsounds #speechsounddisorders #slp #apraxia #childhoodapraxiaofspeech #schoolslp #earlyinterventionspeech #slpa #slp2b
It’s my 40th birthday today 🎈thank you mum for having the girls so I could go on an adventure to my 53rd new country (in Bali, Indonesia).

I’ve loved the floating breakfast trays, rice paddies, spiritual cleanses, temples, monkeys, massages, and especially the beautiful local people here!

Have you ever tried this for your students?

We teach clusters a LOT, and forward and backward chaining can be so helpful 💪🏼

#speechsounds #speechsounddisorders #pediatricslp #speechpath #schoolslp


***  For exclusive free materials that you won’t find in my Teachers Pay Teachers store, sign up on the right for my newsletter *** 


oral motor assessment cardsOral Motor Assessment Cards: These oral motor assessment cards will help you perform a simple evaluation with your students. There are cute visuals and simple directions so that it’s not so overwhelming. I’ve included colorful cards to print as well as a digital version so that you can take it with you on the go. DDK rates and a simple form are also included. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Syllable Structure ScreenerInformal Syllable Structure Screener: A simple screener that was made to accompany your speech sound assessment. This is particularly useful for those students whom you might suspect present with Childhood Apraxia of Speech, or who have very reduced speech. The screener looks at each consonant sound in the following positions: C, CV, VC, CVC and CVC. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Articulation Screener Scenes

Informal Articulation Screener ScenesThis is ideally set-up for digital formal (such as an iPad or computer) with bright and bold scenes that are loaded with target sounds. This resource includes BOTH a screener version (initial position only) and more in-depth (initial-medial-final position). They are also great as part of your conversational speech sample.For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Polysyllabic Screener Scenes

Informal Syllable Structure Screener:  This FREE VERSION is ideally set-up for digital formal (such as an iPad or computer) with bright and bold scenes that are loaded with target sounds. This resource includes scenes containing two-three-four-five syllable words, so that you can get a better understanding of your student’s ability to produce more complex words. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.


Articulation Carrier Phrase CardsArticulation Carrier Phrases: A really useful tool for trying to move up from that word level and introduce some phrases. With 18 different phrases covered, the visuals can really help your students who need that extra support to say their target sounds beyond the word level. Includes cards, spinners, mats and phrase lists. Colour and black & white are added for extra flexibility. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Draw Me ArticulationDraw Me Articulation: A best selling resource in my store. These black & white worksheets specifically target the sentence and story to help your students transfer and generalize their target sounds. Word lists are included to create loaded sentences covering a range of nouns and verbs. These are really quite creative and encourage your students to draw loaded targets onto the background scenes. Quite enjoyable for the older age group. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Articulation in Play HandoutsPlay Handouts for SLPs & Parents: These comprehensive, easy to print sheets give you TONS of ideas on how to drill, facilitate and carryover speech sounds with play-based therapy. TRY MY FREE SAMPLE. It is great for younger speech students who cannot sit down for extended lengths of time and like to move, or to help with carryover with older students.  For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Articulation Battle for CarryoverArticulation Battle for Carryover: This game is not for the faint hearted! There is quite a lot of language involved to make this game fun and is best suited for older age groups. Students pick up two cards each and verbally battle and provide reasons for why they would ‘win’ in an imaginary battle. Many times student’s forget that they are practicing their sounds! For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Articulation Trackers Articulation Trackers: A great visual tool that allows students to track and see their progress. These black & white printables encourage students to color-code boxes with statements scubas ‘I got it right’ and ‘I forgot my sound’. You can easily adapt it for different word-phrase-sentence levels depending on your goals. These are broken into early, late and complex sounds. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Articulation PostcardsArticulation Postcards: This resource combines crafts with cutting, glueing, sticking AND talking with over 60 postcard scenes. TRY MY FREE SAMPLEThere are added mini articulation picture cards and word lists to help carryover into sentences. Students are encouraged to write a sound-loaded postcard on the back. Great for mixed groups or students with language goals. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.


Printable Articulation Cards

Printable Articulation Cards: These black and white therapy cards are a staple in most speech rooms. Quickly choose your word targets and print off clear and bold images. There are perfect for colouring in, using for homework and playing with other games. A great option is to print these on coloured paper or card stock and use for a variety of games such as memory and bingo. i  For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Articulation SquaresArticulation Squares: This is great for the traveling speech pathologist, because the size is so compact! With both color and black & white options, you can have a lot of flexibility getting drills with these squares. Fitting x12 targets to a page, they feature words in initial-medial-final-mixed position. Great for hands-on therapy! They come in early and late sound – or grab the money saving bundle.  For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Articulation Letter BudsArticulation Letter Buds: These Letter Buds are a fun, print-and-go worksheet that are also great for the sound-letter connection. With both color and black & white options, you can have a lot of flexibility getting drills with these pages. Fitting lots of targets to a page, they feature words in initial-medial-final-mixed position. Great for hands-on therapy! They come in early and late sound – or grab the money saving bundle. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Articulation in IsolationArticulation in Isolation Worksheets: Sometimes is students confined it really difficult to make their speech sounds accurately. TRY MY FREE SAMPLE.These sheets were designed with flexibility in mind – simply write in or add syllables or words to send for home practice. Fitting two sheets to a page, they are plenty big to get a lot of practice in. They are split up by early and late sounds, or you can get the money-saving bundle. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Articulation Threading MouthsArticulation Threading Mouths: This is hands-on therapy at its best! Articulation Threading Mouths (while they can be used for threading) are a great way to add interactive therapy into your room. They are split up by early and late sounds, or you can get the money-saving bundle. There are also bright colorful mouths for laminating and black & white pages to send for homework. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Articulation Brick BuildersArticulation Brick Builders: This is definitely for those children who like building and blocks! These simple black & white pages are easy to print come with colorful feedback cards to encourage your students to reflect on their productions. With pages containing a mixture of initial-medial-final words, they can be easily adapted for your students.  To keep this hands-on, use blocks as reinforcers to place on the page. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Articulation TreasuresArticulation Treasures: A fun pirate and treasure-map themed printable for speech therapy. These simple black & white pages are easy to print come with colorful feedback cards to encourage your students to reflect on their productions. With pages containing a mixture of initial-medial-final words, they can be easily adapted for your students. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Articulation SurfingArticulation Surfing: If you are doing a summer theme or have students who love the beach and water, these fun printable are a nice addition to your speech worksheet collection. These simple black & white pages are easy to print come with colorful feedback cards to encourage your students to reflect on their productions. With pages containing a mixture of initial-medial-final words, they can be easily adapted for your students.  For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Articulation Message in a BottleArticulation Message in a Bottle: This is a unique ‘routine’ that you can add into your speech room that can benefit most students, especially those with articulation goals. Students are encouraged cowrite secret messages in a bottle with target sounds for other children to open, read and answer. It’s a fun way to get rid of the toy box. The is a blog post that you can read to see how it can work in your classroom. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Articulation ScrapbooksArticulation Scrapbooks: Scrapbooks are such a fun way to keep track of all your hard speech work over the months of therapy. These customizable pages are flexible and work with any sound that you are targeting with your child. They encourage a lot of craft and interaction and even include mini articulation cards. They currently come in themes such as Fall & Halloween, Spring & Easter and Summer. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Articulation Bounce BoardsArticulation Bounce Boards: A fun series of board games that are especially easy to upload to iPad and play. Their of the game is to make it all the way down the bottom by landing on tiles that have an arrow on them. If you don’t land on one, you keep bouncing back and forth until you do.  TRY MY FREE SAMPLE. With pages containing a mixture of initial-medial-final words, they can be easily adapted for your students. There is a free sample and then packets targeting different groups of sounds. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.


Animal Speech Sound PromptsAnimal Speech Sound Prompts: An engaging way to facilitate and stimulate sounds using animals. Each animal represents as sound (e.g. ‘s’ for snake, ‘g’ for gorilla) and provide cues and prompts nohow to elicit the sounds. They are intended for preschoolers and can complement classroom early literacy centers. Cards for stimulability testing are also included. Stick them on craft sticks to hold them up. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Speech Therapy Reinforcer MatsSpeech Reinforcer Mats: A very simple set of colorful reinforcer mats that can be used and adapted for most speech therapy goals. You can set the goal based on your student’s needs, and then they can decorate or add to the mats as part of therapy. I love using mini erasers and trinkets, pom poms and even dry erase markers on these, however you can use anything that you have available in your therapy room. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Speech Therapy Reward ChartsSpeech Therapy Reward Charts: A different way to reinforce and reward your students. This can be very creative and a chart that you use throughout therapy to motivate and reward your students. Simply allow them to draw, add stickers or stamps and color in the page based on them achieving the goals for the session. Great to stick in a speech scrapbook. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Speech Sound Reminders for Parents FREE: A great way to write practice ideas and facilitation tips to send home to parents. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Speech Data Collection: A monthly data collection form that SLPs should encourage their parents to use. For more information on this resource, you can VIEW HERE.

Oromotor Screener FREE: Find a simple one page oromotor checklist covering the movement of the lips, tongue, jaw and more complex oromotor movements.  Click here.


  • thank you so much for this website. my 5yr old son will gain hugely from this help as his six week block of speech therapy ends today

    • I am glad you have resources to keep you going! Look at one of my latest posts ’10 things you need for articulation therapy’ as I have listed other free resources, such as online articulation games, more cards and general info like the speech hierarchy so that you know where you are heading as you take over the reigns. You’ll be wonderful, happy speaking!

  • i am so happy being a speech therapist. this work is very useful to me in my daily therapy sessions
    as we are in India we have very limited resources to opt. i would like thank all the team members of this web..

  • Thank you for sharing your incredible knowledge and creativity. I have learned so much from your website. As a graduate student, your kindness and generosity has been very much appreciated.

    • Thanks Christina. My creativity started when I was a graduate student working in a setting with extremely limited resources, so making my own things started from the beginning. Best of luck with your future career.

  • This website is AMAZING!
    I’m working as a speech pathologist in primary schools and these resources are fantastic quick and simple for me to refer to and use. Thank you so much.

  • I am so grateful that I found this website! So many helpful and functional materials! Thank you!!

  • Thank you so much for these resources! I’m in my CF in Early Intervention and so many of my kiddos can benefit from these! Great job, it is much appreciated!

  • Thanks Rebecca! This is great. I am an Australian speech pathologist working in pediatric private practice in the Midwest USA and I am sharing your website with all my colleagues here!

    • Oh, thanks Vicky!
      You’ll have to share the second part of your story with me so that I can update people on working overseas and how it’s been for you 🙂

  • This is wonderful! Here in Yangon we have no centers who teach speech therapy and we really realy need that.
    Anyone interested in teaching courses here for absolute beginners, teachers and parents alike?
    Please let me know who would be willing to give a workshop, introducing speech therapy.

    Kind Regards,
    Elisabeth Frischknecht

    • Hi Elisabeth – you should jump on the Facebook page SLPs Going Abroad – I’m sure there’d be a lot of interested SLPs!

  • This is wonderful! Here in Yangon we have no centers who teach speech therapy and we really really need that.
    Anyone interested in teaching courses here for absolute beginners, teachers and parents alike?
    Please let me know who would be willing to give a workshop, introducing speech therapy here.

    Kind Regards,
    Elisabeth Frischknecht

    • Hi Elizabeth – I like how you think. Training parents is the key to helping children get quicker results. I am a Canadian SLP with 18 years experience working with school aged children. Nothing has a greater impact on a childs speech development then a parent working at home with their child. When teamed with an SLP who believes strongly in a parents ability to make a difference and who supports them fully in working on a home program, the results will come much quicker. I have worked with many parents and children via teletherapy for the past 8 years and this is my preferred method o f service delivery. Find out more here:


      For more tools for working on the /s/, /r/ and /th/ sounds go here:


      Please share with anyone you think may benefit.

  • What all of you are doing is amazing. Here in Myanmar we have no center where we can study speech therapy. Is anyone interested in coming here and teaching workshops for teachers and parents?
    Would be delighted to hear from you.

    Elisabeth Frischknecht

  • Hello, I recently purchased your oral motor assessment cards off TPT. Do you know of a place I can find normative rates for children for the DDK rates?


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