We have tips, tips, and more tips!!!! If this cue doesn’t work to encourage a clear “ch”, don’t forget we wrote the Ch Sound Handbook where you can find 100+ more ideas 💡 

#articulationtherapy #articulation #speechsounds #slpath #speechtherapy #speech #speechpath
All it takes is 5-10 minutes to screen for possible facilitative contexts (words that encourage a clear production of our target sound), but this can set you up for INSTANT success!

If you took my free SLP Summit talk, then you saw these screeners in action! Why waster weeks and months with no progress when it doesn’t have to be that way?

#articulationtherapy #articulation #speechsounds #speechsounddisorders #schoolslp #earlyinterventionslp #earlyinterventionspeech #adventuresinspeechpathology
We’ve bundled and discounted our THERAPY CHANGING facilitative contexts packets to get faster progress in articulation therapy 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

If you watched by free SLP Summit presentation, then you’d know how quickly the students in my case studied progressed when we found words that encouraged clear sounds!!


#speechsounddisorders #articulationtherapy #articulation #speech #Adventuresinspeechpathology
Comment “master” so that I can send you a link to register for our first online course!

Apart from the four PDH you get, just know that you will NEVER have to take another PD on minimal pairs again 👏🏼

#minimalpairs #speechtherapy #speechsounds #preschoolslp #schoolslp #speechsounddisorders #adventuresinspeechpathology
Don’t let the term “facilitative contexts” overwhelm you.

They’re just carefully chosen words 👏🏼 we have seen the most AMAZING progress with our articulation students last year when we took 10 minutes to screen for possible facilitative contexts.

It’s so relieving to “skip the isolation phase” and start therapy with a set of WORDS the child can say CLEARLY!

#speechpathology #speechsounddisorders #speechsounddisorders #slp #slpath #schoolslp #facilitativecontexts
You KNOW you could do better! You KNOW you still have lots of questions! So why not MASTER the Minimal Pairs Approach once and for all?

Wouldn’t it be amazing to go on autopilot because you just understand and know what to do with minimal pairs therapy?

COMMENT “master” now so you can register and for early bird pricing. We kick off on February 10th, mark those calendars 🗓️ 

#minimalpairs #phonology #speechsounddisorders #speechsounds #adventuresinspeechpathology
You never know what’s going to 💫click💫 when it comes to eliciting speech sounds.

At least our Speech Sound Handbooks GIVE YOU all those cues, tips and tricks to try 👌🏼

#articulation #articulationtherapy #speechsounds #laterallisp #slp #slp2be #slpath
Stuck teaching clusters? Try chaining! It’s visual and breaks down a complex word into smaller, easier to say chunks for the child 🙌🏽

#speechtherapy #schoolslp #preschoolslp #slpeeps #childhoodapraxiaofspeech #speechsounds
2025 is shaping up to be a BIG YEAR for professional development 👏🏼

So far our calendar is booked for: Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, Townsville, and Canberra!

If you want to learn (differently) make sure you head your our events page to get your ticket.

#ebpslp #speechpath #aussieslp #speechsounddisorders #speechsounds #adventuresinspeechpathology
If you use INACCURATE mouth cue visuals, then how can you expect your child to say the sound ACCURATELY?! 🤯🤯🤯

Give your child or student the best chance by showing them pictures that:
1. Look real and are detailed 
2. Highlight voicing and airstream
3. Represent YOUR students mouths

#articulation #speechsounds #speechsounddisorders #slp #apraxia #childhoodapraxiaofspeech #schoolslp #earlyinterventionspeech #slpa #slp2b
It’s my 40th birthday today 🎈thank you mum for having the girls so I could go on an adventure to my 53rd new country (in Bali, Indonesia).

I’ve loved the floating breakfast trays, rice paddies, spiritual cleanses, temples, monkeys, massages, and especially the beautiful local people here!

Have you ever tried this for your students?

We teach clusters a LOT, and forward and backward chaining can be so helpful 💪🏼

#speechsounds #speechsounddisorders #pediatricslp #speechpath #schoolslp

25 Hands-on Ideas for Teaching Syllabification of Words

“I was looking through my ‘noclars and saw an elfent eating sketti at the hopital” she said. Who am I kidding? They ALL say this! Polysyllabic or multisyllabic words ring alarm bells for me on many fronts.

Sure, it COULD be poor phonological processing or awareness skills. That makes the most sense.

But what about language? I always worry that my kids are encoding the wrong vocabulary and then won’t be able to access the ‘real’ word when they come across it because it doesn’t match their word.

Or perhaps there are some motor planning and syllable structure constraints going on. Tons of my speech kids find these longer words particularly tricky so I know it’s all connected.

Whatever the cause, it’s easy to target in therapy. Make it part of your everyday routine, a transition activity between tasks, a challenge for the day… whatever! I’ve listed 25 ideas to get you thinking.

  1. Use INSTRUMENTS to tap out the syllables. Drums, triangles, tambourines, xylophones, clapping sticks and maracas work the best. And you can’t go past singing along to a piano or keyboard!
  2. Put little pom poms or cotton balls in EGG CARTONS for each syllable.
  3. Draw CHALK circles on the carpet/concrete and have kids step out each syllable.
  4. Throw a BALL back and forth for each syllable.
  5. Use a WHITEBOARD and have the child make a tally or cross out a circles for each syllable
  6. Make a simple ABACUS and slide each bead along. Or if you want to be outdoorsy, most playgrounds have those big versions… they are super fun!
  7. Use the game CONNECT 4 or JENGA and have the pieces represent syllables. You can play/build as you go.
  8. Grab some string and BEADS and put a bead on for each syllable heard. Don’t have beads? Use pasta or regular threading activities.
  9. There is something fascinating about a POSTING BOX. Have a 1-2-3-4-5 syllable boxes, grab some polysyllabic cards and post into the correct box.
  10. Use a FELT BOARD and put felt pictures on to represent each syllable. Kids love creating picture scenes from the syllables they hear.syllables with felt
  11. If you own a FROG HOP game, have them hop a frog for each syllable. Or, better yet, make numbered lily pads to represent the number of syllables heard in each word and have them hop to the right one!
  12. Use a simple VELCRO board and the child can stick on/take off a picture for each syllable heard. Kids LOVE to rip that velcro off!
  13. Cut some PAPER into shapes or use TWISTER circles to jump each syllable out.
  14. Use MAGNETIC COUNTERS with a wand or MAGNETIC games where the child can connect each syllable.
  15. Use LEGO or BLOCKS and build as you add each syllable.syllable blocks
  16. Every child loves smashing PLAY-DOH. Roll syllables into balls or have your students stamp things into the play-doh.
  17. Drive a train around a TRAIN TRACK – but you can only drive the number of syllables that you hear in a word, or add extra carriages per syllable.
  18. Use BINGO DAUBERS and dab the number of syllables. Fill a whole page in colorful dots!
  19. Incorporate PAINTING and paint different strokes/patterns/dots for every syllable. If you are a fan of those ‘100 challenge’ sheets, this would be perfect to paint 100 syllables heard in rainbow colors!
  20. Play syllable HOPSCOTCH and jump the number of syllables that are heard in words. Great for the little ones who need to move.syllable train carriages
  21. I like putting cute stickers on LIDS and putting them in a bag so that a child can pull out a lid for each syllable. We then might group the lids based on number of syllables heard.
  22. Grab some dice or even better, mini WOODEN CUBES and make syllable stacks – painting or adding pictures to the cubes is an added bonus!
  23. Make some colorful patterns using CRAFT STICKS. First syllable = red, second syllable = blue and so on.
  24. Another hands-on favorite is lining up those POM POMS from #2 and flicking each one as you say a syllable. And why not get a little competitive and have a makeshift goal to aim at?
  25. Bring out those throwing games! DARTS and RING TOSS will get you thinking. Anything with enough ‘parts’ to represent sounds will get the job done.

 So where can you get your hands on some word lists and cards?

  • Go to LessonPix for some 3 syllable clipart (subscription usually needed).
  • Grab these Polysyllabic Cards that double as worksheets from my store OR snag the freebie sample version.
  • For cards in photo stock, then check out these flashcards from Home Speech Home and print the word lists.
  • Follow my Pinterest Board for all my favourite Phonological Awareness ideas.

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