It’s been interesting straddling both sides of speech therapy: 

Being a speech pathologist who only treats speech sounds
AND being a parent of a child with speech difficulties.

It has sure changed how I speak to and train parents, has allowed me to adjust my expectations, and be more compassionate and understanding of how the challenges!

Are you someone on both sides?

#speechdelay #speechdelaykids #speechsounds
You learn bite-sized speech stuff from me EVERY DAY 🤗 Imagine how far you will grow clinically as an SLP when you learn for four hours with me!!!

I ♥️ minimal pairs - COMMENT “master” and let’s just go on this adventure where you finally nail at least one phonological intervention!

#ebpslp #minimalpairs #speechpathology #schoolslp #preschoolsp #speechdelaykids #speechdelay
Have you experienced this? A cue that works for one student won’t work for another?

Instead of trying to make a cue fit a child, I’m more about being flexible and guided by the child and how they learn!

This means I need to know lots of cues, and match the right ones to each of my kids. Agree… disagree…. Other thoughts??

#speechsounddisorders #speechsounds #articulation #speechdelay #speechdelaykids
Comment “master” because you at least need to know how in-depth this course is… and how much you really don’t know about minimal pairs!!!

So, make 2025 the year you really master a phonological intervention 👊🏽💪🏼👌

#Adventuresinspeechpathology #phonology #minimalpairs #speechsounds #ebpslp #speechsounddisorders #schoolslp #preschoolslp
If I can admit that there was a LOT I didn’t know about the minimal pairs approach… can you?

Combining the evidence with 18 years clinical experience, I want this to be the last PD you’ll ever have to take on this therapy approach.

Register now 👏🏼 link is in our bio or type this link:

#ebpslp #speechdelay #speechdelaykids #speechsounddisorders #speechsounds #preschoolslp #schoolslp
We have tips, tips, and more tips!!!! If this cue doesn’t work to encourage a clear “ch”, don’t forget we wrote the Ch Sound Handbook where you can find 100+ more ideas 💡 

#articulationtherapy #articulation #speechsounds #slpath #speechtherapy #speech #speechpath
All it takes is 5-10 minutes to screen for possible facilitative contexts (words that encourage a clear production of our target sound), but this can set you up for INSTANT success!

If you took my free SLP Summit talk, then you saw these screeners in action! Why waster weeks and months with no progress when it doesn’t have to be that way?

#articulationtherapy #articulation #speechsounds #speechsounddisorders #schoolslp #earlyinterventionslp #earlyinterventionspeech #adventuresinspeechpathology
We’ve bundled and discounted our THERAPY CHANGING facilitative contexts packets to get faster progress in articulation therapy 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

If you watched by free SLP Summit presentation, then you’d know how quickly the students in my case studied progressed when we found words that encouraged clear sounds!!

#speechsounddisorders #articulationtherapy #articulation #speech #Adventuresinspeechpathology

Top 10 Toys for the Traveling SLP Suitcase

When most people ask me if I am excited about moving back to Australia this summer, I feel guilty thinking that what I am really looking forward to is busting open my cupboards, taking out my whole collection of games and just playing! I only brought four resources with me to America and while I am a little bit tired of them, they are great for an SLP on the road. So here are the resources that I bought because they filled 3 essential criteria: Cheap, small and multifunctional.

1. Jumping frogs

I have played variations of this game so many times I can now jump frogs into the bucket with my eyes closed! Kids love this and it is a great reinforcer. They might have to earn frogs first or then we play a quick game or we lay language/articulation cards out on the table and use whatever the frog lands on we use that target. From $4-$10 depending on size of bucket and number of frogs.

2. Would You Rather?

Great for language and stuttering samples, a good ice-breaker and rapport building game as the cards can be quite gross/funny. I love using this for articulation carryover practice and working on conjunctions as the students have to justify why they would rather have a booger stuck up their nose versus spinach in the middle of their teeth! Approximately $5.

3. Crocodile Dentist

This is a fun reinforcer, especially for boys! If they come in and won’t warm up to me, the croc is coming out to snap some fingers! All you do is push down teeth and the crocodile will randomly shut, so I can easily adapt this game for most SLP activities. The noise is more alarming than the snap, but don’t do it with shy/sensory kids. TRUST me. Sometimes I like to turn the tables if the child is scared and if they get the target correct I have to push a tooth and get my finger snapped, which is hilarious for the kids! There are different crocodile sizes (and animals like sharks) but I have the medium which run for about $10.

4. Super Duper Magnetic Chips

The chips work great for phonological awareness tasks such a segmenting and blending where each chip can represent a sound. They are also perfect for any work where you use cards – use them as bingo chips and the winner sweeps them up, put a chip on a card for language/articulation if they use it correctly or use them for behavior or reward charts. A favorite thing that we like to do with them is ‘magic’. My kids love putting the chips on the table, and the magnetic wand under the table and ‘magically’ moving the chips. A pack of 100 chips are $9.95 and a pack of two magnetic wands are $7.95.


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  • Hi Rebecca,

    I’m a friend of Kristin Powell and she recommended I reach out to you with a question about my sons. They are 2.5 and 3.5 and both struggle with initial consonant blends that begin with s (I’m just realizing that I haven’t paid attention to the same blends at the end of words). Is this typical of their ages or is it something I should be concerned about? Is there anything I can do to help?

    I don’t know if it matters, but the boys were very different in language development. Lincoln (3.5) had about 10 words at 18 months, but exploded by 21 months and has an extensive vocabulary now. Grayson (2.5) was saying 3-syllable words at 13 months and continues to baffle us. 🙂

    Thank you for any advice you might have for me, Shelley

    Shelley Manweller Educational Consultant (509) 899-0746

    Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 22:06:54 +0000 To:

  • Great ideas! I also love Pop-up Pirate. First introduced to it by my internship supervisor (way back in 2007)… Similar to the Crocodile Dentist, the pirate pops out without warning. The students/pediatric clients love it. It’s great for artic drills, answering questions, or even basic turn-taking skills.


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